SingBest Health 推出 NMNse™:经过临床测试和验证的日常增强剂,为您提供应对一天所需的能量

立即试用 30 天供应量
  • 睡眠障碍


  • 精力不足和疲劳

    NAD+ 水平降低会导致慢性疲劳和缺乏耐力。

  • 代谢紊乱


  • 认知能力下降


  • 皮肤健康状况不佳


  • 肌肉无力和萎缩


提高 NAD+ 水平是改变游戏规则的关键

在 20 多岁和 30 多岁时,您可能会感到疲劳、压力或难以保持最佳工作效率。

在 40 多岁和 50 多岁时,NAD+ 水平开始下降高达 50%,您的耐力和头脑清晰度可能会下降,并且衰老迹象变得更加明显。

到 60 岁及以后,NAD+ 水平会进一步下降到 75%,您会感到精力不足和健康问题,从而限制您的独立性和活力。

Do you know Singaporeans are sleep-deprived?

Singaporeans are among the most sleep-deprived globally, with less than 20% experiencing uninterrupted sleep. While the National Sleep Foundation recommends at least seven hours of rest each night, a YouGov survey reveals that only 27% of Singaporeans achieve this ideal sleep duration.

Sleep deprivation is more harmful than you might realize. New research reveals that when the brain lacks sufficient rest, it begins consuming its own connections, along with worn-out cells and accumulated debris.

Poor sleep not only leads to fatigue but also affects brain function, memory and overall cognitive performance. Lack of sleep may also increase risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders.


烟酰胺单核苷酸 (NMN) 是一种天然化合物,在细胞能量产生和寿命中起着至关重要的作用。它是烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 的前体,NAD+ 是一种重要的辅酶,可支持 DNA 修复、增强线粒体功能并帮助对抗与年龄相关的衰退。随着年龄的增长,NAD+ 水平会显著下降,导致能量水平下降、新陈代谢变慢,并增加对各种与年龄相关的疾病的易感性。通过补充 NMN,我们旨在恢复 NAD+ 水平,促进更好的细胞健康、改善认知功能、增加能量和整体活力。这使得 NMN 成为那些希望支持健康老龄化和优化福祉的人的热门选择。

为什么选择 SingBest Health 的 NMNse ?听听我们创始人怎么说。

  • 对抗衰老迹象

  • 提高睡眠质量

  • 改善皮肤状况

  • 支持心血管

  • 提高头脑清晰度

  • 有效的体重管理

  • 促进关节、骨骼和肌肉

  • 减轻压力和焦虑

  • 优化葡萄糖代谢

  • 帮助 DNA 修复

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  • NMN协同效应

    NMNSE™,又称协同 NMNSE™,是一种革命性的新型 NMNSE™ 产品类型,由多种强效成分组成,可与 NMNSE™ 成分协同作用,最大限度地发挥 NMNSE™ 的全部功效。大多数常规 NMNSE™ 产品仅以 NMNSE™ 作为唯一成分,尽管 NMNSE™ 是一种非常强大的成分,但仅服用 NMNSE™ 不足以赢得这场抗衰老战斗。服用唯一成分 NMNSE™ 产品就像让一位孤独的将军独自作战,没有任何士兵的帮助。抗衰老工作就像一场战斗,如果我们想赢得这场战斗,我们需要一个完整而强大的军团,而不仅仅是一位优秀的将军。

  • Price & Value

    SingBest NMNse™ justifies its higher price point with broader benefits, long-term effectiveness, and targeted health support. In contrast, other brands offer a lower cost per gram but are limited in scope, providing value mainly for direct anti-ageing effects. Be cautious of cheap NMN products that may be unauthentic. While lower-cost options might seem attractive, they often compromise on purity, effectiveness, and long-term health benefits. SingBest NMNse™ stands apart with its high-quality formulation, ensuring broader health support and lasting results. Don’t risk your well-being—choose trusted, scientifically backed NMN.

  • 99.9% NMN purity

    While others in the market have purity levels ranging from 95%-98%, and premium ones range from 99% & 99.5%, 99.9% ensures the product is free from potential harmful impurities from manufacturing. Especially for preventing age-related diseases, there is no risk worth taking.

  • 99.9%纯NMN

    虽然市场上其他产品的纯度水平在 95%-98% 之间,而优质产品的纯度水平在 99% 和 99.5% 之间,但 99.9% 可确保产品不含制造过程中可能产生的有害杂质。尤其是对于预防与年龄相关的疾病而言,没有任何风险值得冒。

  • Effectiveness Over Time

    SingBest NMNse™ delivers continuously increasing and sustained benefits through synergistic interactions, enhancing and extending NMN’s effects. In contrast, other brands may plateau over time, as their benefits are limited to NMN’s NAD+ boosting capacity.

  • 抗酸胶囊


100% 致力于您的健康、幸福和长寿

  1. 纯度超过 99.9%,功效最大化
  2. 不含人工填充剂和防腐剂
  3. 植物胶囊。适合素食者和纯素食者。
  4. 不含金属且经过微生物安全测试
  5. 已获 HSA 批准
  6. 新加坡制造

今天就开始你的 30 天能量增强之旅


  • Michelle Tee

    "I used to wake up multiple times a night, feeling exhausted the next day. After trying this, I finally sleep through the night and wake up refreshed!"

  • Shirley

    "Fast delivery!! I’ve been using this product for a while now, and I’m truly impressed. My sleep quality has significantly improved, which has made a noticeable difference in my ability to concentrate during the day. Additionally, I’ve noticed that my skin feels firmer and more rejuvenated. I will definitely continue to purchase and use this product. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their overall well-being."

  • Jessika

    "Fine lines and dull skin were my biggest concerns. After using this, my skin looks firmer and my glow is back!"

  • Joelle Ng

    "Fast to receive. This is my 2nd box. During my 1st box of consumption, i noticed no more broken sleep due to work stress. It helps me to sleep through the night. Its also help to improve my stamina during my workout. I have right knee pain due to overuse. I have noticed less tightness and pain."

  • Chloe Chong

    "I feel more rejuvenated after using their products & also less tired occasionally! Can’t wait to continue consuming these for even better results."

  • Sarah

    "As a busy professional, I need to stay sharp all day. This supplement keeps me energized and mentally alert without the crash."

  • Jason T

    "After Covid I was struggling with brain fog and forgetfulness, but after taking NMN Brain Power Boost for a month, my focus and memory have improved significantly!"

  • John

    "Insomnia was affecting my mood and productivity. Now, I fall asleep faster and feel more rested in the morning."

  • Diane Lee

    "Fast delivery. I just ordered yesterday morning and already received it this afternoon. This is my second and third box already. I have not experienced any midday crash for 7 days in a row. Felt so energized and super productive for the whole day. Love it!"

Which NMNse™ is suitable for you?


什么是 NMN?为什么我需要它?

烟酰胺单核苷酸 (NMN) 是一种天然存在于人体内的分子,在能量产生、细胞修复和整体代谢中发挥着至关重要的作用。

NMN 的前体 NAD+,烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NAD+) 是每个活细胞中的重要辅酶。它通过将营养物质转化为能量,对我们身体的整体细胞功能至关重要。

随着年龄的增长, NAD+ 水平会下降,这种下降与各种与年龄相关的问题有关,例如精力下降、新陈代谢变慢、认知能力下降以及患阿尔茨海默氏症和心血管疾病等疾病的风险增加。NMN 补充剂用于恢复 NAD+ 水平,这有助于抵消这些影响并支持健康老龄化。


99.9% 的纯度确保产品不含制造过程中可能产生的有害杂质。尤其是对于预防与年龄相关的疾病而言,不值得冒这个险。更高的纯度含量也意味着几乎所有的补充剂都是活性成分 (NMN),确保您的身体获得最大数量的 NMN 转化为 NAD+,以支持能量代谢、DNA 修复和抗衰老效果。


我们建议顾客每天服用一片 200 毫克的 NAD+。对于每天需要更多 NAD+ 的顾客,您可能希望咨询医疗保健专业人士的建议。


个人效果可能有所不同。通常,用户可能会在定期使用 2-3 周内开始注意到效果。为获得最佳效果,请遵守建议的剂量和使用说明。










您可以通过发送电子邮件至 或 WhatsApp/致电 +65 9640 7898 联系我们的客户服务团队。我们随时为您解答任何问题或疑虑。

About Mike Lin

Founder of SingBest Health

Mike Lin, founder of SingBest Health, is dedicated to improving lives through science-backed nutrition. With a background in science, philosophy and business, his passion for health was ignited after witnessing patient suffering.

Driven by the belief that good health leads to a fulfilling life, he launched SingBest Health to create evidence-based supplements that enhance vitality. Headquartered in Singapore, the company leverages cutting-edge research to expand its mission globally.

Mike’s philosophy: “Life is short—make it remarkable.” His goal is to empower people to take charge of their health.